Author Content

Author content by Sheila Newman
Title When
Kelvin Thomson joins Sustainable Australia Party, advisor to Clifford Hayes MP Mon, 2019-01-14 16:07
Will challenges in Australian law and under Roman law Fri, 2019-01-11 11:34
Male harems in Saudi Arabia - The tradition of locking up rival princes Sat, 2018-12-29 16:56
Video interview of Sandra Kanck, National SPA President Thu, 2018-12-06 23:01
Latham's 8-Point Plan to stop overpopulation in Sydney Fri, 2018-11-16 12:42
Video: Has oil demand peaked? (Press tv Economic Divide program) Sat, 2018-11-03 22:23
Kangaroo & Wombat Workshop funding arrangements fall short - Can you help? Tue, 2018-10-16 21:58
Libs say they will protect Mornington Peninsula from overdevelopment Tue, 2018-10-16 11:07
Leith van Onselen also slams overpopulation and overdevelopment - SAP venue Tue, 2018-10-16 11:06
PNG Governments censor film on Australian developer takeover Sat, 2018-10-13 13:59
Claims that DNA from a 350-year-old dingo tooth could save the species in Australia are rubbish, dingo conservationists say Wed, 2018-10-10 17:37
28 October: State Election Forum: Vic MPs to take planning questions from the public Sun, 2018-10-07 16:32
Australia's population ponzi scheme - Article by Stephen Williams Fri, 2018-10-05 10:20
Sunday 7th:Public Meeting - Stop overdevelopment in Melbourne - Hawthorne Arts Centre Thu, 2018-10-04 18:18
SPA Public seminar: "What does the Australian public really think about a Big Australia and what do the media try to make them think?" Tue, 2018-09-25 09:31
French Court orders Marine Le Pen for psychiatric evaluation in Orwellian farce Sat, 2018-09-22 14:54
Prepare for the 21st Century Exodus of Migrants - absurdist economics theory takes over Thu, 2018-09-20 12:24
USA floods western press with false news on Syria Wed, 2018-09-12 07:17
test Wed, 2018-08-29 15:09
Liz Allen and demographers who ignore population doublings at our peril Sat, 2018-08-25 20:44
The plan to flood Europe with migrants - UN 2000 report Sat, 2018-08-25 19:28
New Sustainable Australia election policies video Mon, 2018-08-20 17:20
Australian parliamentarian calls for plebiscite on immigration levels Sat, 2018-08-18 18:09
Steve Keen, "Oz economy no more diverse than Uganda's" - Boom Bust interview Wed, 2018-08-15 18:17
Bluestone toilets in Frankston - Why this petition is important Sat, 2018-08-11 15:31
Ancient megashark Victoria's surf coast - fossil find exhib opens today Thu, 2018-08-09 13:36
Vocal Animal interviews Doug Gimesy on Platypus & human populations Mon, 2018-07-30 18:49
Perth Radio: Should Australia's migrant intake increase or decrease? Sun, 2018-07-15 12:55
World Humanist Day Fri, 2018-06-22 12:24
The grotesque consequences of 'puppy-farming' humans for profit Wed, 2018-06-20 10:15
Videos & Report on Melbourne Free Assange British Consulate protest today 19 June 2018 Tue, 2018-06-19 21:32
Transcript & Video: John Pilger in Sydney defends Assange exposes his persecutors Mon, 2018-06-18 12:09
Speeches at Free Julian Assange Rally - Sydney Town Hall - 17th June 2018 Mon, 2018-06-18 10:36
What is the cause of illiteracy on overpopulation? And what are the dangers? Sat, 2018-06-02 13:37
The REAL Middle East Nuclear Threat - Corbett Report video & transcript Sat, 2018-05-12 13:17
Protesting railway workers force through Macron political party office door in Paris Sat, 2018-05-05 04:34
Victorian State Library 6pm tonight: Hands off Syria Vigil - please come and show your support! Mon, 2018-04-30 12:52
Soros's Foundation to Exit Hungary Amid Crackdown, Presse Says - Critique Mon, 2018-04-30 01:19
Why is Victoria’s Agriculture Minister ignoring the law on cruelty to caged birds? Sun, 2018-04-29 10:43
Meeting 6pm Tonight: Independent and Peaceful Australia Network - War on Syria contingency meeting 19 April Thu, 2018-04-19 09:21
Big map of South East Outfall Mornington Peninsula Mon, 2018-04-16 17:12
Another stupid F****** war! Paul Joseph Watson Mon, 2018-04-16 15:32
